Your Amazing Brain

Your brain is different from an adult's brain. Take this fun quiz to find out how.

Does it ever feel like the adults in your life just don’t get you? They think it’s a great idea for you to spend Saturday cleaning your room, while you think weekends are for hanging out with friends. They think you should make a plan for finishing your essay, while you prefer to wait for inspiration to strike. Sometimes it might seem like their brains are just different from yours.

Well, guess what? It turns out teens’ brains are different from adults' brains. When you’re a teenager, your brain hasn’t finished developing—and it will keep on maturing for many years. Most of that development will take place in a part of your brain called the prefrontal cortex. Your prefrontal cortex is responsible for stuff like planning ahead and controlling your emotions. Having a still-developing prefrontal cortex means you’re still mastering skills like being organized and keeping your cool when you’re mad. But it also means some things are easy for you now, like being spontaneous, thinking creatively, and having big feelings.

Want to know how to make the most of your amazing, changing brain? Take our quiz to learn some useful brain-boosting tips.



Results or effects, especially of decisions, events, or behaviors.



Having an open, natural, unrestrained manner.



Mental or physical ability.

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