Continue the learning journey with the following extension activity :
Have students work in pairs to create an infographic of their choice, such as a step-by-step process or a Venn diagram, based on information learned in the article. First, they should choose a section of the article to focus on. Then, they’ll discuss how to use an infographic to effectively represent the information in that section of the article. Encourage them to be creative by presenting the information in a different way from the article. (For example, they might use a Venn diagram instead of a chart to present similarities and differences between the cold and the flu, or create a step-by-step process infographic with accompanying images to show how to sneeze correctly or deal with a cold.) Encourage them to draw their infographic or use an online resource with free infographic templates. If there is leftover time, students can use the bonus skills sheet to generate questions they still have about the common cold and do additional research.