I’m a Mechanic

Victoria Bruno

Victoria Bruno has loved cars ever since she was a little kid. When she grew up, she turned her passion into a profession and became an auto mechanic. Auto mechanics fix cars in need of repairs. They also do maintenance to help keep cars running well. Some mechanics, like Victoria, restore older cars to get them working again. Victoria specializes in Ferraris built between the 1950s and 1970s. Mechanics can also work at auto museums, racetracks, and car dealerships. If you love cars and want to work with your hands, check out Victoria’s story to learn what it takes to be an auto mechanic. 

I grew up in Los Angeles, California, where there’s a lot of traffic. I loved seeing beautiful old cars when I was driving places with my parents. I always figured cars would be a hobby for me. 

You don’t have to go to a four-year college to study auto repair, but I did. The first class I took was engine rebuilding. I loved learning how the parts fit together.

Today I restore and service Ferraris. Some of them are 70 years old! Sometimes we can’t order parts because they’re so rare. In that case, I have to make the parts myself!

Every day is different. Sometimes I sit all day cleaning an engine. Other times I’m on my feet all day. It can be physically exhausting, but I love the mix of tasks. 

You can put a driver’s life in danger if you don’t fix their car correctly. It’s a big responsibility. But it’s also satisfying to restore cars for owners who love them.




pursue college

Question: In what other ways could the college search and application process be more difficult if you’re the first in your family to go to college?

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love of learning

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never considered

FYI: In the 2011-2012 academic year, 34% of undergrads were the first in their families to go to college. 

technical college

FYI: Students who go to technical schools—also called vocational schools—take classes and complete training that prepares them for a specific job, such as to be an automotive mechanic, chef, or cosmetologist. 



seemingly incapable of tiring



continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition



to change direction or course



to a high degree

financial aid paperwork

FYI: First-generation college students take out student loans in higher amounts than students who have parents that went to college. They also take out student loans more often.  

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